Thursday, December 22, 2011

'Toddlers & Tiaras' Mother Lashes Out Over 'Hooker' Insult -- Blame the Mom, Not the Girl

Paisley Dickey
The mother of "Toddlers & Tiaras" star Paisley Dickey is firing back after 5-year-old Isabella Barrett accused
her daughter of dressing like a "hooker" -- claiming Isabella's mom is
to blame for filling the girl's head with garbage.

Wendy Dickey tells TMZ, "No blame is to this sweet little girl [Isabella], not her fault. She's just listening to her mom!"

Wendy's referring to a video TMZ posted this afternoon, in which a freshly spray-tanned Isabella (right)
says, "Last time I was here, Paisley was trying to copy me ... but MY
mom doesn't dress me up as a hooker" ... a jab at Paisley's recent
"Pretty Woman" costume (left).

But Wendy's unfazed --
telling us, "I am used to this kind of behavior now from jealous moms.
Doesn't even bother me anymore ... This is Isabella's mom's way of
trying to get attention for her daughter."