Actress Lindsay Lohan is expected in court Wednesday for a probation progress check. For the past two months, the actress has received positive probation reports. She is on track to complete her required 480 community service next month. Most of it has been performed at the Los Angeles County morgue. Once she's done, Lohan will be released from strict probation requirements that started five years ago, after two drunk driving convictions. She should have finished two years ago, but it was extended after several probation violations, including missed counseling sessions, failed drug and alcohol tests and a shoplifting conviction. TMZ is reporting that Lohan has realized that Judge Stephanie Sautner's "tough love" has helped save her career. Lohan is set to host the March 3rd episode of "Saturday Night Live." She's also reportedly close to inking a deal to play the lead in a Elizabeth Taylor in a Lifetime network movie about the legendary actress, who died last year.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Lindsay Lohan Due in Court for Probation Progress Check
Actress Lindsay Lohan is expected in court Wednesday for a probation progress check. For the past two months, the actress has received positive probation reports. She is on track to complete her required 480 community service next month. Most of it has been performed at the Los Angeles County morgue. Once she's done, Lohan will be released from strict probation requirements that started five years ago, after two drunk driving convictions. She should have finished two years ago, but it was extended after several probation violations, including missed counseling sessions, failed drug and alcohol tests and a shoplifting conviction. TMZ is reporting that Lohan has realized that Judge Stephanie Sautner's "tough love" has helped save her career. Lohan is set to host the March 3rd episode of "Saturday Night Live." She's also reportedly close to inking a deal to play the lead in a Elizabeth Taylor in a Lifetime network movie about the legendary actress, who died last year.