Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The 10 Absolute Worst Places To Be Relocated

1. Siberia, Russia

Siberia, Russia

Usually covered in multiple feet of snow and everywhere is the middle of nowhere, you wouldn't want to be caught dead in Siberia. And believe me, many people have been.

2. St. Helena

St. Helena

After escaping imprisonment from Elba Island, Napoleon was
ultimately left here--in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean--and
surrounded by British soldiers. It's his resting place, and it is
typically regarded as the most isolated place in the world; currently
there isn't even an operating airport and you can only reach it by
container ships. So yeah, you probably wouldn't want to get stuck here.

3. Devil's Island, French Guiana

Devil's Island, French Guiana

Formerly a penal colony, no convict has ever escaped it alive, and
now it's wholly abandoned. In either case, it may look pretty, but looks
can--and often are--deceiving.

4. Your Parents' Basement

Your Parents' Basement

A lot of people might be doing it these days, but let's face it. No-one wants to, first of all, move back in with their parents really.
And second, you can't even move into your old room because now it's the
"study." Plus, you'll be sleeping among all the rejected old toys, not
the cool ones that are still upstairs.

5. Buford, Wyoming

Buford, Wyoming

Not only is Buford located in Wyoming--the least-populated state in
the US--but Buford is the smallest locality in the country as well.
Until 2008, the town's population was two, but then Don Sammons's (who
is also the mayor) son moved out, leaving the population at the
loneliest number.

6. New York City

New York City

Hey, NYC might not be that bad, but it can be pretty awful when you
show up there under the pretense of "achieving your dreams," in a
"luxurious loft" in Manhattan, the beauty of the "concrete jungle," and
all that. Instead, you'll probably end up like the guys on Delocated,
living in, uh... less than ideal settings. But at least you (probably)
won't be a part of a reality show or in the Witness Protection Program.
Well, at least not that last part.

7. Hamburger University

Hamburger University

There's not really much that needs to be said about this. "Hamburger
University" is the "accredited institution" for people aspiring to be
McDonald's managers and higher-ups. Yeah.

8. Svalbard


The northernmost settlement in the world, Svalbard is an island
located between the Arctic Circle and Norway. Its capital, Longyearbyen,
was formerly a hub for whaling. Now it just holds a vault with seeds
from all over the world, obviously. Oh, and there's a lot of reindeer
running around. Also, the average temperature in summer is 44 degrees,
and it's generally in the negatives for the rest of the year.

9. Scottsdale, Arizona

Scottsdale, Arizona

Scottsdale is known for its resorts and beautiful golf courses.
Also, its extremely snobbish, horrifying people. "John," a former
resident who now lives in Newport, California, perhaps says it best:

I lived in Scottsdale for a few of my years in Arizona.
It's a fun town with lots of fantastic restaurants, fun wine bars, and a
great singles scene if you're a young man with money in his pocket and not looking for a serious relationship. My wife and I still go back and visit once a year or so for the food, but would never live there again due to the miserable pretentious people.
I'm a very successful entrepreneur, and instead of embracing me, the
locals with their leased BMWs and Rolexes bought on credit snubbed me because they absolutely can't stand the presence of someone who is truly successful. Scottsdale is a haven of phonies who live on over-extended credit and HELOC loans. I packed my bags and moved to a city full of real successful people and have found it to be far friendlier here.

It's downright unfriendly
and in fact we never even met most of our neighbors. They would come
home, pull into the garage, and close the door as soon as the bumper
cleared in order to avoid talking to anyone. My street in "affluent" north Scottsdale was always full of repo men banging on people's doors and the cable guy disconnecting people for non-payment.

If you're a pro-douchebag who likes to make a "showing" then Scottsdale is for you. If you're legitimately successful, live somewhere else and only vacation there for the good golf and restaurants.

10. The Yukon

The Yukon

Sure, the Yukon is beautiful in its untouched majesty, but would you
really want to deal with more than 200,000 square miles of emptiness?
The biggest town in the entire territory has only 22,000 people in it,
and there aren't roads transversing the the whole area. Good luck
getting home.