Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Argentine president undergoes cancer surgery

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner announced her cancer diagnosis in the last week of 2012 [Reuters]

Argentina's president has undergone "successful" surgery to remove a cancerous thyroid gland that she first spoke publicly about last week.

Early on Wednesday, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, 58, flew by
helicopter from the presidential residence in Olivos to the Hospital
Austral in suburban Pilar, north of the capital Buenos Aires.

She went under general anesthesia several hours later for the
operation led by Dr Pedro Saco, a veteran Argentine oncologist who
specialises in cancers of the head and neck.

Vice President Amado Boudou was put in charge shortly before the
operation, and will remain as the country's constitutional leader for 20
more days while Kirchner takes medical leave, the presidency said.

"Cristina's operation was successful," TV station Cronica said during
a news broadcast. Doctors said they would be able to report surgery
results by midday.

Supporters gathered outside the hospital waving signs showing
Fernandez de Kirchner and her late husband, former President Nestor
Kirchner, who died of a heart attack in 2010.

Fernandez de Kirchner was found to have papillary thyroid carcinoma
shortly after beginning her second four-year term as Argentina's leader,
doctors said.

Preoperative tests suggested it had not spread beyond her thyroid, so
the condition should be curable without chemotherapy, they added.