Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reasons Why Atheists Suck

  • 1. Atheists really enjoy being smarter and more rational than everyone else. Have you noticed that about Atheists? I have.

  • 2. Atheists tend to be haters who don't
    believe in anything. You get excited about something cool and they are
    always all skeptical, asking lots of critical questions, and basically
    kill the positive energy.

  • 3. They love reading, which
    is a perfectly good site, but they get all smug about how Reddit is
    better than other sites. Like is there some rule that if you don't
    worship the real God, you have to worship Reddit instead?!? WTF?

  • 4. Atheists love to mock hard working, religious Americans who love their kids, work hard, and go to church.

  • 5. Atheists think they are rational and
    scientific but isn't it more rational and open minded to say that God
    *might* exist? Should real scientists keep an open mind?

  • 6. Atheists are some of the biggest trolls on the Internet. They will probably start trolling me just for writing this post.

  • 7. Have you ever known someone who would
    rather be right than loved? And eventually you are like, “dude, ok, ok,
    you are right” but you are also thinking “what an a-hole!” That a-hole
    is almost certainly an atheist.

  • 8. Atheists are the kind of people who
    enjoy telling small children that Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the
    Easter Bunny are all fake. Thanks for ruining all the fun, atheist! I
    guess you think a 5 year old knowing “the truth” is more important than
    them having a happy childhood.

  • 9. Atheists are selfish. Instead of
    praising God for good things that happen in their life, they just praise
    themselves. Like “wow, I really deserved that raise. Praise myself!”

  • 10. They just suck. You don't even need a reason. It is obvious. Just accept it.