Friday, March 2, 2012

How To Reset Blackberry PlayBook To Factory Settings

Performing a factory reset can be useful in a number of situations and for different reasons. You might want to sell the tablet and make sure all your personal data is removed from the device beforehand. It can also be useful if your device has become too clogged up with apps, files and different accounts which may be compromising the performance.
Follow out step by step guide to resetting your BlackBerry Playbook
Note: Before resetting the PlayBook, make sure sure backup any data you wish to keep. Appscan be downloaded again after the reset.
Step One
Navigate to the Setting s menu. Do this by swiping downwards from the bezel above the screen or tapping the cog icon in the top right hand corner of the home screen.

Factory reset a BlackBerry PlayBook
Step Two
Scroll down the Setting menu and click on Security.
Factory reset a BlackBerry PlayBook Menu
Step Three
Within the Security pane on the right, click on the Security Wipe option.
Factory reset a BlackBerry PlayBook Security
Step Four
Type the word ‘blackberry’ into the text box and click Wipe Data. The PlayBook will carry out the full factory reset and reboot the tablet ready for use again.